Upcoming event Booking Recommended In-person Lecture Lent Term

Why there’s no such thing as “the” scientific advice

Professor Stephen John




  • 18:00 - 19:00
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre

During the Covid-19 pandemic, U.K. policy-makers claimed to be "following the science". Many commentators objected that the government did not live up to this aim. Others worried that policy-makers ought not blindly "follow" science, because this involves an abdication of responsibility. In this talk, I consider a third, even more fundamental concern: that there is no such thing as "the" science. Drawing on the case of adolescent vaccination against Covid-19, I argue that the best that any scientific advisory group can do is to offer a partial perspective on reality. In turn, this has important implications for how we think about science and politics. 

Upcoming event Booking Recommended In-person Lecture Lent Term

Protein self-assembly – understanding and controlling the machinery of life

Professor Tuomas Knowles




  • 18:00 - 19:00
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre

Proteins are the active molecules of life. However, most proteins do not work on their own in health or disease; a key challenge, therefore, is understanding how these molecules interact with each other to give rise to function or malfunction. This talk will outline our efforts to discover, understand and use the basic principles that drive protein assembly into larger scale structures and phases. I will discuss how controlling transitions between such phases can help us ameliorate biological malfunction when it occurs in disease, and well as develop new classes of functional materials.

Upcoming event Booking Recommended In-person Lecture Lent Term

Towards a Net Zero World: Developing and applying new tools to understand how materials for Li and “beyond-Li” battery technologies function

Professor Clare P. Grey




  • 18:00 - 19:00
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre

More powerful, longer-lasting, faster-charging batteries – made from increasingly more sustainable resources and manufacturing processes – are required for low-carbon transport and stable electricity supplies in a “net zero” world. Rechargeable batteries are the most efficient way of storing renewable electricity; they are required for electrifying transport as well as for storing electricity on both micro and larger electricity grids when intermittent renewables cannot meet electricity demands. The first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries were developed for, and were integral to, the portable electronics revolution. The development of the much bigger batteries needed for transport and grid storage comes, however, with a very different set of challenges, which include cost, safety and sustainability. New technologies are being investigated, such as those involving reactions between Li and oxygen/sulfur, using sodium and magnesium ions instead of lithium, or involving the flow of materials in an out of the electrochemical cell (in redox flow batteries). Importantly, fundamental science is key to producing non-incremental advances and to develop new strategies for energy storage and conversion.  

This talk will start by describing existing battery technologies, what some of the current and more long-term challenges are, and touch on strategies to address some of the issues.  I will then focus on my own work – together with my research group and collaborators – to develop new characterisation (NMR, MRI, and X-ray diffraction and optical) methods that allow batteries to be studied while they are operating (i.e., operando). These techniques allow transformations of the various cell components to be followed under realistic conditions without having to disassemble and take apart the cell. We can detect key side reactions involving the various battery materials, in order to determine the processes that are responsible ultimately for battery failure.  We can watch ions diffusing in, and moving in and out of, the active “electrode” materials that store the (lithium) ions and the electrons, to understand how the batteries function.  Finally, I will discuss the challenges in designing batteries that can be rapidly charged and discharged.  

Upcoming event Booking Recommended In-person Lecture Lent Term

Acoustics of musical instruments - why is a saxophone like a violin?

Professor Jim Woodhouse




  • 18:00 - 19:00
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture Theatre

Musical instruments like the clarinet and saxophone do not obviously have anything in common with a bowed violin string. This talk will explore the physics behind how these instruments work, and it will reveal some unexpectedly strong parallels between them. This is all the more surprising because all of them rely on strongly nonlinear phenomena, and nonlinear systems are notoriously tricky: significant commonalities between disparate systems are rare. For all the instruments, computer simulations will be used to give some insight into questions a musician may ask: What variables must a player control, and how? Why are some instruments “easier to play” than others?

Upcoming event Booking Recommended In-person Lecture Lent Term

The Unknown Maxwell

One Day Meeting




  • 09:00 - 17:30
  • Cambridge University Engineering Department

In the millennium poll, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) was voted the third greatest physicist of all time – behind Newton and Einstein. But Maxwell’s extraordinary range of interests and achievements extended far beyond his well-known equations for electromagnetism and his thermodynamic relations, and this meeting will explore just a few of the fields in which Maxwell did seminal work. The day will begin with an overview of James Clerk Maxwell’s life and achievements. The talks following will highlight some topics in which current research is revealing interesting developments, but also looking back to Maxwell’s insights in laying the foundations for so much of our contemporary science.

There will be a small exhibition of artefacts including some of Maxwell’s models from the Cavendish collection.

James Clerk Maxwell had strong links with the Cambridge Philosophical Society during his time at Cambridge. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate – initially at Peterhouse, but moving to Trinity before the end of his first term. He graduated in 1854, and shortly afterwards presented his first paper On the transformation of surfaces by bending to the Cambridge Philosophical Society. His career took him to Aberdeen, Edinburgh and King’s College London before returning to Cambridge in 1871 to become the first Professor of Experimental Physics. He was President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1875-1877.


Welcome, introduction

Dr Claire Barlow


The Unknown Maxwell

Professor Bruce Hunt (University of Texas)


The Mechanical Origins of Maxwell’s Equations

Professor Malcolm Longair (Cavendish)


Introduction to Maxwell artefacts on display in Constance Tipper lecture Theatre

Professor Isobel Falconer (University of St Andrews)


Tea/coffee in LR4



Maxwell and the nature of primary colours

Professor John Mollon (Psychology)


From Maxwell’s fields to quantised light

Professor Peter Knight

(Imperial College)





Maxwell and the Geometry of Structural Equilibrium

Professor Bill Baker (Cambridge University Honorary Professor of Structural Engineering), Professor Allan McRobie (Engineering)


150 years of cybernetics: from Maxwell's governor to neuromorphic machines

Professor Rodolphe Sepulchre (Engineering)


Tea/coffee in LR4



Saturn’s rings, gravitational instability and the formation of planets

Professor Gordon Ogilvie (DAMTP)


Thermodynamics and Maxwell's Demon Demystified

Professor John Ellis (Cavendish)


Closing remarks

Dr Claire Barlow

Tea and coffee will be provided in Lecture Room 4, adjacent, in the morning and afternoon breaks. 

You will need to make your own arrangements for lunch.

You are welcome to buy sandwiches, cakes, snacks and drinks in the Engineering Department’s cafeteria on the second floor, and you may also use this room to eat your own food. 


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